
accessibility DESIGN

Project:  Create a Spanish language option for an existing English-only consumer services website as part of required fair access to Card Benefits information

Role:  Digital product manager, client side UX lead, creative UX and translation vendor management lead

Approach:  Leverage existing property files (containing copy and presentation conditions) and manage a translation agency to create an equivalent Spanish language version

Key Considerations:  Not all content could be offered in Spanish, as some external data sources were only available in English.  Corporate legal and compliance required notifications to customers that only certain parts of the website would be offered in Spanish; this notification would be required when first selecting the Spanish language option, and when a selected page contained less than a majority of Spanish content

Results:  Launched the Spanish version of the Card Benefits ThankYou website -

Spanish Translated Website

Initial notification to customers when Spanish language is selected

Upon closing the notification modal the website displays in Spanish

Website and banners display in Spanish

Secondary navigation is presented in Spanish

Secondary navigation is presented in Spanish for pages with less than a majority of Spanish content

Required customer notification modal displays for pages with less than a majority of Spanish content

Page with data from external vendors that are supported in English only
